Friday, September 18, 2009

#5in5 - Workflow tips for Social Networking Success - Five in Five series

Today's tips are really just common sense. When it comes right down to it, success usually relies on just executing what you know is right.

1. First thing in the morning, open your favorite browser.
2. Open separate tabs for the social media tools that you are committed to using faithfully
3. Set up a time on your calendar every day and book it as you would a meeting to update each one of the platforms (e.g. 8am - 815am Facebook, 815am - 830am LinkedIn, etc.)
4. Use your time to post/repost/retweet, to add a few new friends/connections. Honor the time commitment in your calendar so that you don't get "sucked" in. If you need more time for one component (e.g. writing a new blog or recording a video), then set aside a special amount of time or even a special day for that activity.
5. Perform at least one random act of social media kindness (write a recommendation, compliment someone else on something they have written).

Chicke Fitzgerald | founder | Solutionz Media Digg ThisAdd To Add To Furl Add To Reddit Fav This With Technorati Add To Yahoo MyWeb Add To Newsvine Add To Google Bookmarks Add To Bloglines Add To Ask Add To Windows Live Add To Slashdot Stumble This

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